A contradiction
- the simple, primitive, dirty stall in Juda in comparison to the
monumental, imperial architecture of Rome?
It was the Roman emperor Augustus, who through his census, forced
Mary and Joseph to go to Bethlehem. By so doing he helped fullfil
God's word:
"Ma tu, o Betlemme Efratah, anche se sei piccola fra le migliaia di Giuda, da te uscirà per me colui che sarà dominatore in Israele, le cui origini sono dai tempi antichi, dai giorni eterni"
Michea 5, 2
The child, together with
his parents, appears to be lost amidst the decaying remains of the
Roman Empire. Yet it is he who grants new life amidst the ruins. True
eternal life that comes from God. That is the Good News - the joyful
message of this child, the Son of God, the redeemer, the saviour!
This nativity scene also serves as a reminder of the mighty temple
in Jerusalem, where the baby Jesus and old Simeon met. It is out of
Simeon's mouth that we hear the words for this nativity scene:
... perché i miei occhi hanno visto la tua salvezza ...
Luca 2, 30 Nuremberg 2000 AD