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The landscape
of Bethlehem in mind. On the outskirts of the village the remaining
walls of a burnt down house. A remnant of the last war. Shepherds
have formed a stall by adding a few beams and planks of wood to make
a roof. People and animals can use it as a shelter against the burning
sun and the rain.
Apart from that, it is much like the stalls to be found in Israel
today - open to the elements.
Really no more than a miserable hut.
At first the banner in front of this nativity scene seems ironical:
E la Parola si è fatta carne ed ha abitato fra di noi, e noi abbiamo contemplato la sua gloria, come gloria dell'unigenito proceduto dal Padre, piena di grazia e di verità.
Giovanni 1, 14
The contrast
between the godly and the human point of view. The mystery of this
birth! Shepherds and lords kneeling together in adoration before the
child, the king.
Animals are also present. Just as they were, when God brought them
to the people, who were to name them...
Nuremberg March 1999