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It cannot
be said for sure whether the stall in which Jesus was born was man-made
or a cave. A cave in which shepherds could find shelter for themselves
and their animals during bad weather or through the night.
In this nativity scene the cave is made of limestone - tuff. A very
new, soft, porous stone, whose wonderful structure develops when chalky
water drips onto leaves and branches.
This thought is worthy of reflection: Here we have creation holding
its hand over the creator:
The rocks, stones, trees and plants.
The message of the nativity points to the creator: |
Nel principio era la Parola e la Parola era presso Dio, e la Parola era Dio. Egli (la Parola) era nel principio con Dio. Tutte le cose sono state fatte per mezzo di lui (la Parola), e senza di lui nessuna delle cose fatte è stata fatta.
Giovanni 1, 1 - 3
from all Christmassy feelings: In the background the cross is waiting
by a stony pathway. It is here that the creator will finally fall
unprotected into the hands of mankind. Displayed as a sinner he will
die for the sinners.
What joy that beside the crib and the cross there is also the resurrection.
Another grotto, a cave with a sealed door totally unable to withhold
the sovereign, risen Lord.
Nuremberg June 1999